Having a Mini-Split AC in Apex, NC is a wonderful way to cool your home. These systems are a popular and efficient solution to all of your cooling needs. They can replace your current AC or supplement it. You’ll enjoy how these systems allow you to control each room’s temperature with remote control.

You don’t have to set all areas to one temperature. Instead, you’re regulating how cool a room should be according to how you use that space. There’s no reason to cool a room you’re never in. This saves money on your monthly energy bill. Were you aware that a Ductless Mini-Split Heat Pump can also heat your Wake County home?

These systems are dual-purpose HVAC systems that can provide both cooling and heating. They are flexible for zoning, cooling, and heating for individual rooms.

They can provide your home’s new addition, garage, shop, guest house, etc. with a desirable environment all without any traditional ductwork.

We offer a full range of dependable residential HVAC services, including: